"400" Status: Bad Request{"responseHeader":{"status":400,"QTime":0,"params":{"sort":"score desc","XCNAME":"xc search do search","start":"0","q":"*:* (locations fc:(\"0AK3\") OR local locationId s:(\"0AK3\")) ","json.nl":"map","wt":"json","fq":["all authors fc:\"伊藤, るり(1954-)\"","type:manifestation","all authors fc:\"International Migration and the Reconfiguration of Gender in Asia\" Research Group, the 21st century COE program, frontiers of gender studies (F-GENS), Ochanomizu University\""],"rows":"10","version":"1.2"}},"error":{"msg":"org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError: Cannot parse 'all authors fc:\"International Migration and the Reconfiguration of Gender in Asia\" Research Group, the 21st century COE program, frontiers of gender studies (F-GENS), Ochanomizu University\"': Lexical error at line 1, column 190. Encountered: after : \"\"","code":400}}

所在=0AK3 に一致する資料は見つかりませんでした。


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